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Professional Certificate in Fintech Programme

Programme Partner


Why Enrol in Professional Certificate in Fintech?

Asia is home to some of the world’s most advanced and fastest growing FinTech markets (EY, 2022). All over Asia, people are gaining access to a growing range of virtual financial services, and at a faster rate than in most of the world’s other markets.

Singapore's FinTech adoption stands at 67%, ahead of the Asia-Pacific average adoption rate of 64% and is gearing up to become a global FinTech hub.

The Professional Certificate in Fintech Programme by Singapore Management University (SMU) is designed to endow business leaders and professionals, with a keen understanding of the technological disruptions at the crossroads of financial services and digital innovation.

This programme is designed to provide a holistic view with practical applications aimed at helping you emerge as a professional who understands the FinTech landscape, its drivers, and the trending technologies to implement the same in your organisation. It will help you to identify emerging trends and opportunities and the skills required to enhance customer experience, understand the trending technologies, risks and regulations involved, so that you can thrive in the FinTech Revolution.

  • Next Course Starts On 24 Mar 2023 (Fri)
  • Duration6 Months, Online 3-4 hours per week
  • Leveladvanced
  • VenueLive Online Sessions every Saturday 2:30 PM-5:00 PM SGT
Learning Objectives

Develop an overview of the Fintech ecosystem

Identify and gain an understanding of the emerging technologies that are driving the FinTech sector

Interpret relevant use-cases and apply the learnings to your function/organisation

Examine the tools, emerging trends and innovations propelling the Fintech revolution

Use different cloud service and deployment models

Implement strategic initiatives in your function/organisation


Networking Opportunities

Networking Opportunities

SMU Executive Development Alumni Benefits

SMU Executive Development Alumni Benefits

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and Emeritus Insights

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and Emeritus Insights

Business Growth

Business Growth

Industry Relevant Curriculum

Industry Relevant Curriculum

Professional Blended Pedagogy

Professional Blended Pedagogy

Career Acceleration with one of the World's Premium Universities

Career Acceleration with one of the World's Premium Universities


  • FinTech landscape and innovations for enhancing customer experience
  • Analytics in finance to monitor different metrics

  • Decentralised finance, Web 3.0, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, AI/ML and Cloud in FinTech
  • Risks and Regulations and implications of these new technologies for business strategy

  • Applications for a roadmap to achieve a successful business transformation

Who Should Attend

Professor of Finance, Financial Industry and AI

Gaining a strategic overview of emerging FinTech technologies and landscape

Creating competitive advantage through business model innovation

Making strategic decisions on technology, strategy, and investments

Professor of Finance, Financial Industry and AI



Start Date(s) : Fri, 03/24/2023 - 12:00

Intake Information :

Refer to Online Singapore Management University Courses - Emeritus - Online Certificate Courses | Diploma Programs for the latest updates on application dates and discounts.

For more enquiries, please email to or

Alternatively, you may also write to us at for any urgent matters related to the programme.