Custom Programmes

Our Custom programmes are personalised to meet your organisations’ needs, addressing organisation-wide competencies and relevant business issues

Co-Creation/Customisation of Programme

Co-Creation/Customisation of Programme

At SMU Executive Development, we work closely with you to customise and co-create a training solution that is market responsive and suited to your organisation's needs, with our promise to deliver a world-class experience in and out of the classroom, with the pedigree of the University.

application knowledge

Application Knowledge

We understand the unique circumstances of executive learners and cater the learning mode of these audience with a strong focus on application knowledge, ensuring that our executive learners understand the concepts and can apply them in real-life scenarios.

SMU’s Ecosystem and Network

SMU’s Ecosystem and Network

As a ranked university located in the heart of Singapore, SMU Executive Development leverages on the breadth and depth of whatever a university can offer. With eight (8) schools and a myriad of faculties at our disposal, we bring about the best combination of academia and industry practice with a high training standard.

Our Dynamic Network

Our Dynamic Network

Singapore Management University is well connected to key growth industries, partner universities around the world, trade associations and government statutory boards. This allows us to constantly be updated with the current trends and gaps in the market.

Your ability to lead the company of the future matters to us

Global Leadership

Singapore is the global role model for lifelong learning. Situated in the heart of Asia's fast-rising economies, Singapore Management University, known for its innovative curriculum and teaching excellence, blends Western ideas with Asian traditions.

A Catalyst to Create Meaningful Societal Impact

We strive to produce leaders who are motivated to create strong and sustainable societal impact within their sphere of influence. Our programmes address the need for raising socially responsible leaders.

Resilient Leadership Capabilities

The ongoing rapid evolution of the business environment requires the constant updating of core capabilities to solve complex problems.

Future Skills

We translate the knowledge generated by global thought leaders into applicable lessons for executives to sustain competitive advantage for corporations or future individual employability.