SMU-SID Future-Ready Directorship Series

Find out more about Webinar Series 1 below

Webinar Series 1: Strategic & Creative Decision Making for Board Directors

Emre Soyer

22 August 2024, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Join us for an exclusive webinar featuring Emre Soyer, co-author of the thought provoking paper "Stop Reading Lists of Things Successful People Do." This session is designed for board directors eager to enhance their decision-making skills and navigate the complexities of leadership with greater insight.

Leaders continuously must make judgments about various risks and uncertainties, and make decisions to obtain the outcomes they desire, often under significant resource constraints (time, people, money). To succeed in today's rapidly evolving business world and complex socio-economic environment, they need to excel as decision-makers and communicators.

Drawing from behavioural and decision research, Emre Soyer will demonstrate how reliance on experience and intuition, along with extensive data, can be unexpectedly prone to systematic mistakes, narrow perspectives, and manipulations, leading to needless losses and shortfalls. This webinar will interactively discuss methods and solutions that sustainably improve leaders' decision performance.

Key takeaways

  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Learn strategies to improve judgment under risk and uncertainty
  • Avoiding Pitfalls: Identify common decision-making errors and how to mitigate them
  • Contextual Relevance: Understand the importance of context in decision-making processes
  • Improved Communication: Gain tools for more effective communication of decisions and strategies

This webinar is an essential opportunity for board directors to refine their decision-making capabilities, avoid common pitfalls, and lead their organisations with confidence. Don't miss the chance to engage with a leading expert in decision-making theory and practice.

About the speaker

Emre Soyer is a behavioural scientist and the founder of SOYER Decision Advisory. He is an adjunct professor of decision making and negotiations in renowned business schools, including INSEAD, Bayes, and TUM. Emre's work forcuses on critical thinking and decision-making, providing organisations worldwide with the tools to make better, evidence-based decisions.